sexta-feira, 27 de maio de 2011

Conferência «Mental Health and Family Medicine working together»

Organizada pela Associação Mundial de Psiquiatria (WPA), em colaboração com outras entidades, a Conferência Temática intitulada «Mental Health and Family Medicine working together» decorrerá na cidade espanhola de Granada, entre os dias 8 e 11 de Fevereiro de 2012. Esta iniciativa é a segunda de um ciclo de conferências centradas na íntima colaboração entre a psiquiatria e os cuidados de saúde primários.

Alguns dos temas a abordar:
Depression and ordinary sadness in family medicine

- Mario Maj
Professor of Psychiatry. Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry. University of Naples. Italy. President. World Psychiatric Association.

Improving mental health in general medical settings: the ICD11-PHC
- Sir David Goldberg
Professor Emeritus. Institute of Psychiatry. King's College. London. United Kingdom.

Well-being and mental health promotion: Working together to put evidence into practice
- Chris Van Weel
Professor of family medicine at the Radboud University, Nijmegen. Past President of WONCA. The Netherlands
The complexity of primary care presentations: Impications for joint working in mental health
- Richard G. Roberts
President of WONCA
Professor of Family Medicine, School of Medicine & Public Health. University of Wisconsin. USA.

Fonte: JASFarma | 2011-05-22

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